This campaign failed to reach its funding goal 3 years ago
0% Funded
  • $0.00 Funds Raised
  • $3,000.00 Sponsorship Goal
  • 0 Sponsors
Time left to sponsor
Team captain: Mike Asigbe
Raising funds for: ROAD TO 1 MILLION COPIES

About the Campaign

I  Deaconess Gladwell  and my husband Deacon Mike Asigbe are celebrating our birthdays with sending our daily devotional  Rhapsody of Realities to 3,000 people across the world. Join us to give and sponsor copies of Rhapsody by clicking on the link to give as you are led.

Kindly join us to help achieve this audacious kingdom goal of sponsoring 3,000 copies of Rhapsody of Realities.

Simply click on the “Give Now” button and choose the number of copies you will like to sponsor from the list or type in your custom amount.

Thanks for being a blessing to us and the kingdom.

You can also reach us on +12142293235 and +2340823182083

Thank you for celebrating us.

Team Members

  1. Captain
    Mike Asigbe
    $0.00 raised